Terms and Conditions

At Sandpiper Arts we want to ensure you have an enjoyable and comfortable experience with us. Prior to booking and payment we ask that you review our terms and conditions. By booking one of our sessions, you are accepting these terms and conditions and agree to be bound by them.

Our Services
Your booking and payment will include the services outlined in the session description as outlined on our website and/or information emailed to you by us.

Materials, equipment, refreshment included may vary depending on the nature of the session. Please check this in the description before booking. In some sessions there may be an option to buy additional materials if you wish, information about this will be detailed in the session description.

The venue
This may vary depending on participant numbers and access needs, nature of the activity and on occasion the weather. Details of the session venue/s will be in the description. Advanced notice of any changes will be given wherever possible.

Suitability of activities/venue
Please take care to read the session descriptors prior to booking to ensure it will suit your needs and abilities. We are happy to give further details of what each activity entails and discuss any participation needs you may have. We are keen for you to be comfortable and participate as fully as possible. Some activities or the environment may be able to be adapted to meet your needs or an alternate bespoke session arranged.

Children’s bookings
To fulfil our ‘duty of care’ to child participants bookings for children must be made by a responsible adult. Please ensure you have read the descriptor for each session as to the requirements for responsible adult supervision and/or emergency contact details. This may vary depending on the session and age range suitability may apply.

Creative Wellbeing/Occupational Therapy Session
Please be aware that you may be asked to share additional health and wellbeing information pre and post booking for these sessions to enable your host to fulfil their duty of care to you as an Occupational Therapist and to tailor sessions to meet your needs, interests, preferences, and goals. This will be clearly stated in the session descriptors and may be a condition of booking.

This information will be recorded, stored, and used in compliance with data protection laws and the HCPC (Health and Care Professions Council) Regulation of which your Occupational Therapy Host is a member.

You can find out more about the professional standards we work to by clicking on the ‘Professional Standards’ link at the foot of our website.

Prices for sessions are detailed on the website and any pre booking information sent to you. All sessions must be paid in full at the time of booking unless otherwise stated. Your place is not guaranteed until full payment has been made. You can pay for a session through our website via our payment service provider. We want payment methods to be accessible and therefore if website payment isn’t suitable other methods of payment may be available by arrangement.

Refunds and Cancellations

Cancellation by participants
We understand that sometimes unexpected things happen, and you may not be able to attend a booked session. We aim to be flexible and accommodating wherever possible, please get in touch as soon as possible if you are unable to attend to discuss.

Given that advanced ordering of materials and other organisational costs are associated with sessions we are able to offer refunds as follows:

Full refund is offered up to 10 days before the date of your booked session.

For cancellations made at shorter notice unfortunately, we are unable to offer a refund due to costs incurred.

For some activities (not creative wellbeing or OT sessions) it may be possible to ‘gift’ your place to another person. They will be required to provide their contact details and any pre session information needed prior to attendance.

Cancellation by your host
We do our best to avoid cancellations however should we have to cancel due to illness or unforeseen circumstances we will offer you a full refund or transfer to another date where possible if you wish.

Minimum number of participants is required to run each session.

Unfortunately, if this is not reached it may be necessary to cancel the session. We will endeavour to give you at least 5 days’ notice of this. We appreciate that this may cause inconvenience and disappointment but cannot be held responsible for any other consequential loss.

In the case of host cancellation, we will offer a full refund or transfer to another date where this possible and is wished.

Cancellation by host -session not suitable for persons needs
We aim to offer inclusive, accessible, comfortable sessions to participants of all abilities and will do our best to accommodate any needs a participant may have. In exceptional circumstances however where your host feels the session is not suited to your needs or abilities and it may be necessary for your sessions to be brought to an end or cancelled. This would be discussed with you prior to cancellation and alternatives options explored where possible.

Health & Safety
Please do let us know if you have any health or wellbeing needs or dietary requirements at the time of booking so we can ensure your safety and support you to get the most out of the session. Your host will be there to guide you and safety equipment and precautions used where necessary. It is your responsibility to adhere to any safety instructions or notices and take care of your personal possessions while attending session.

Where refreshments are offered your host will make ingredients information available. It is the responsibility of participants with allergies or sensitivities to make the host aware of these and for participants to check ingredients prior to consuming.

Limitations of Liability
We will take every care to make your participation safe and enjoyable, but we cannot be held liable for any loss suffered by participants resulting from any course or event which is beyond our reasonable control.

This includes but not limited to acts of God, wars, riots, civil commotions, malicious damage, compliance with any law or governmental orders, accidents or breakdowns of plant or machinery, fires, floods, extreme weather, pandemics, disruption to utilities, and problems associated with website viruses.

Data Protection
Details you share with us are for the purposes of communicating with you about your booking, participation, and feedback. We keep your details secure and will not share these with anyone else. We may seek your permission to use your details to send you information on future events and offers.

Other information may be requested from you to enable us to provide a service to you. Detailed of this and how we use it is included in our Privacy Policy.

Photography/social media
We like to take photographs and occasionally short videos of participants and their creations during the workshop to share and promote what we do on social media, websites, and posters. We will ask your permission to do so, if you don’t wish to be photographed, please let us know. You are welcome to take photographs of your own work but should seek permission from other participants if they are in shot.

In the case of child participants, written permission from the responsible Parent/Guardian will be sought before photographs of children under 16 years.

We welcome your feedback on your workshop experience. We are an evolving enterprise and strive to make your and future participants experience the best it can be. Please do let us know during the workshop or after what you enjoyed and any ways, we can make the experience more comfortable and enjoyable for you. On occasion we may invite you to take part in surveys to help us develop our service.

Email fiona@sandpiperarts.co.uk
Sandpiper Arts Terms and Conditions - Oct 2022